Atlas Cinematic Entertainment
Four Leads:
Frank (Late 20s-30s, Male): A cynical but witty detective with an aversion to mundanity and teamwork. He’s crass and profane, but also confident and well-spoken. He’s prone to self-sabotage and has a softer side he seldom shows.
Sinclair (Late 20s-30s, Male): A stern, cocky, and ambitious police officer/detective. His success is above all else. He’s suave and charismatic, a natural leader.
Brigid (20s-30s, Female): A hardworking and empathetic Journalist. Takes things very seriously and has trouble being lose or showing affection, even though she cares for her friends very much.
Connie (20s-30s, Female): A passionate political activist. Almost the perfect person: empathetic, dedicated, punctual, and reliable. She’s well-spoken, connects with people easily, and always does what’s right.