Casting for a Daughter role in a Senior Overview Film

Adia Buford and Maya Asadova

Title: They Shared A Meal

Production Dates: March 14-15, 2024

Synopsis: On the eve of Thanksgiving in the 1990s, a city-wide power outage leaves Amari stuck at home with her mother, Kaiya, and grandmother, May, unable to finish their holiday preparations. As the quiet stretches on, old wounds resurface, and Amari finds herself caught in the tense divide between her mother and grandmother as they are forced to confront their unresolved past.

Role Details:

Name: Amari
Age: around 12 y.o.
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: African American
Description: Amari is a bright, inquisitive 12-year-old African American girl who radiates curiosity and energy. She shares a deep connection with both her mother, Kaiya, and her grandmother, May. A creative and thoughtful child, she has a natural talent for music and singing, inherited from both women, and often uses it as a way to express herself. Amari is perceptive beyond her years and occasionally senses the unspoken tension between her mother and grandmother. While she cherishes the unique bonds she shares with each, she is also unknowingly at the center of their complex family dynamic, serving as both a source of joy and a reminder of the past they struggle to confront.

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

We are currently accepting self-tape submissions for our student film project. Please submit a self-tape to, showcasing your range and emotional depth using material you already have. In your email, please include the role you are auditioning for in the subject line. If selected, you will be invited to attend in-person auditions in St. Louis, Missouri. Invitations for in-person auditions will be sent by February 17th. Thank you!
Additional: This is an unpaid project for a senior thesis film at Webster University. While there’s no financial compensation, this is an excellent opportunity for experienced actors to collaborate on a professional set. The film will be submitted to festivals and showcased at the university’s senior film showcase in May of 2025. Meals and snacks will be provided, and you’ll receive a copy of the final film for your reel. I’m excited to bring this meaningful story to life with you and truly appreciate your consideration!

Audition Dates: TBA
Location: First round Online Auditions, second round TBA
Deadline for Submissions: February 17th, 2025
We look forward to seeing your submissions and bringing this powerful family drama to life!

    Resume (under 2Mb pdf,png or jpg files.)

    Headshot (under 2Mb pdf,png or jpg files.)

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