Website URL Monroe Actors Stage Company

Performances of Fiddler on the Roof are April 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 & 13.

– Special auditions for the part of Tevye will be held at 7:00 pm on Sunday Feb. 2 at the Capitol Theatre in Waterloo (202 South Main, Waterloo, IL).

(The part of The Fiddler has already been auditioned and cast.)

– Auditions for children’s roles (ages 7-15) will be held at 6:00 pm on Monday Feb, 3 and Tuesday Feb. 4 at the Capitol Theatre. A parent or adult guardian must be in attendance at the auditions. A parent or adult guardian must also be in attendance at all of their child’s rehearsals/performances. Children will not be required to attend all rehearsals.

– Auditions for all other roles (ages 16-adult) will be held at 7:00 pm on Monday Feb, 3 and Tuesday Feb. 4 at the Capitol Theatre. Plan to stay for the full two hours.

– Call backs will be held at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at the Capitol Theatre.

Video auditions will be accepted beginning in January through February 1. In-person auditions are encouraged. If you need to audition via video, contact the director, Maria, for more information. Send video auditions to Maria at

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Fiddler on the Roof is directed by Arts for Life award-winning director Maria Wilken with Arts for Life award-winning actor Ryan Thorp as assistant director, and Arts for Life award-winning musical director Marcia Braswell.

There are six main men’s roles, six main women’s roles, five other men’s roles, two boy’s roles, two girl’s roles, and featured men and women in a large ensemble. Ensemble parts will be a very active part of the entire show and will be on stage much of the time.

Please come prepared with a vocal selection, 16-32 measures long (not a song from Fiddler). Bring sheet music for the piano accompanist. Do not bring recorded music. Songs need not be memorized.

There will also be a short monologue from the script for each main character, and a short dance routine. Bring appropriate footwear.

Each actor may choose the characters they would like to read for, up to three. Sides will be posted two weeks before auditions.

For questions or more information, contact Maria Wilken at

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Some mistakenly believe that Fiddler is a dark story. Nothing could be further from the truth. This classic musical is set in 1905 Russia in the fictional Jewish village of Anatevka. Change is coming, and Tevye the dairyman must balance his love for his traditions with the love for his family.

“Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as… as a Fiddler on the Roof,” announces Tevye. So begins a tale of light, love and laughter, devotion and defiance, and changing times.

Fiddler is a masterpiece. The show is touching, beautiful, warm, funny and inspiring. The show itself has become a tradition, passed on lovingly from parents to children. Fiddler has the power to move audiences like no other American musical ever made.

“Fiddler goes directly to the heart. The show reaches you, no matter who you are or where you are in life. It changes with you.” —Harvey Fierstein-Tevye



Ages are a guideline and subject to change.

TEVYE – Male, 35-60s – Range: A flat 2 – F5 The larger-than-life, hard-working, and pious dairyman who shows the wide range of conflict, joy and pain. He is a proud patriarch and father of five daughters, raised according to Jewish tradition.

GOLDE – Female, 35-60s – Range: A3 – E flat 5 Golde is the backbone of the family. She has a rather gruff exterior, but in her heart is a powerful dedication to her family. She runs the household strictly, but she should be able to show a softer side.

TZEITEL – Female, 18-25 – Range: B3 – D5 Tevye’s eldest, most determined daughter, wants to please her father. She is madly in love with Motel. She is also the first to challenge the traditions of Anatevka.

HODEL – Female, 18-23 – Range: B3 – E5 Hodel is a strong, independent middle child. She is outspoken but respectful. She is charmed by the revolutionary Perchick the moment she meets him. Her dedication and love is real as she follows him to Siberia.

CHAVA – Female, 15-20 – Range: B3 – D5 Chava is the scholarly daughter who loves to read. Her love for the Russian, Fyedka, tests her father to the very limit and provides the largest conflict in the story.

SHPRINTZE – Female, 9-12 – Range: B3 – D5 and BIELKE – Female, 7-9 – Range: B3 – D5 Shprintze and Bielke are the youngest daughters of Tevye and Golde. They are considerably younger than the three matchmaker daughters. They only have a few lines but are featured in quite a few scenes.

MOTEL – Male, 18-30 – Range: E3 – F#4 Motel is the poor, young tailor who is charmed with Tzeitel. He requires a sensitive and nervous, yet lovable portrayal.

PERCHIK – Male, 20-30 – Range: B2 – E4 Perchik is a young student who brings with him radical new ideas that challenge the traditions of the community. Perchik should be able to hold his own with Tevye. He is a strong character, and clashes with Tevye idealistically, but is likable, charming and ultimately becomes a loyal family member.

FYEDKA– Male, 18-25 – Range: B2 – E4 A strong, young Russian soldier who sees past his military obligations and falls in love with Chava.

LAZAR WOLF – Male, 40s-60s – Range: C3 – F#4 The feisty, brawny butcher and the town’s wealthiest citizen who wishes to marry Tzeitel.

YENTE – Female, 30s-60s – Range: F3 – F5 The meddling matchmaker. She is a widow and village busybody who knows all of the town gossip. Needs great comedic timing.

CONSTABLE – Male, 35-60 – Range: A flat 2 – F5 The constable is the local sheriff representing the Russian government. Must provide a sense of threat and conflict. The constable is a complex character, caught between his good nature towards the people of Anatevka and his duty to the Russian government.

FEATURED ENSEMBLE – Mordcha, Yussel, Avram, the Rabbi and Mendel are smaller roles that add much to the richness of the community. Mordcha is a friendly, interesting innkeeper. Yussel is a hatter. Avram is a bookseller. Mendel is the Rabbi’s son. The Rabbi is the spiritual center of the community and the actor should be able to play an old man. He should have a comic feel, although this is a serious role.

ENSEMBLE – Male and Female, all ages, all ranges. Ensemble roles will be a very active part of the entire show and will be on stage much of the time. They will portray families, villagers and soldiers.

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